Spellings For Me

We are currently trialling the Spellings For Me programme from Rang 1 to Rang 6. This programme is an individualised spelling programme. Your child's log in details are on the inside cover of their spelling book. We encourage children to log in at least twice a week and try some of the games and activities to really benefit from the programme. 


Benefits of Spelling for Me:

- Children’s spelling are differentiated according to individual ability. (Tailor-made spellings for each child)

- Children are challenged appropriately according to their ability not simply their age or class.

- Exercises included are best for learning and are based on words the child doesn’t know how to spell.

- Spellings that are most common and relevant to the child will be mastered first before moving on to the more difficult, less frequently used words.

- Individualised spelling tests for each child – private and personal.

- Incorrect words are stored for the children to work on in the future.

- Spelling is linked to writing: the spelling tests and vocabulary pertaining to each of the writing genres are included.

- Dictation sentences correspond to each list and level.

- Different variations of testing – dictation sentences / spelling lists / learning words test / mastered word tests / writing genre tests.

- Children can test themselves on words previously mastered.

- Learning is based on a visual approach – identifying pictures, letter strings, mnemonics in words the child specifically does not know how to spell.

- Children who are struggling with spelling (or may have a specific learning difficulty in relation to spelling) are very apparent to the teacher.

- A section specifically studying etymology is included.


Please have a look at the parent information sheet attached below for further details.




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