JEP - Junior Entrepreneur Programme

The Junior Entrepreneur Programme gives children the opportunity to experience practical, real-life business learning as part of their formative education. It nurtures creativity, independence, team-work and problem solving among children of all abilities. The programme is child-centred and discovery-led, which allows the children to take ownership of the process and set up a business from scratch.

JEP creates great excitement around the entire school for pupils, parents and teachers. The children look forward to working on it, and it is extremely rewarding to witness them blossom and become more confident in themselves.

Local business owners are invited in to talk to the children. Most exciting of all is the ‘Shark Tank’ or ‘Dragon’s Den’ experience! The children work in teams to come up with a business idea. They must create a business proposal and presentation. They then present their pitch to a panel of sharks / dragons!

JEP equips the children with real-life skills, empowering them to become independent critical thinkers and learners. The children (with the help of the dragons / sharks) then decide which product to produce. They invest together to purchase any materials required and then they sell, sell, sell!!! They must advertise and promote their products to their chosen target audience. Of course, the highlight of the programme is deciding what to do with their profits!


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