DataBiz Eolas App

Scoil Cholmáin Tuairíní uses the Eolas App from DataBiz to communicate with our parents / guardians.

As a parent / guardian, the app allows you to:

Receive messages from our school.

Receive electronic documents from our school.

Access your child’s attendance record.

Input reasons for your child's absence from school.

View your child’s standardised tests scores and school reports.

Make payments to the school

Grant or withhold permission for your child to take part in school activities.

From January 2023 all school absences must be recorded and explained via the Eolas App ONLY. Emails to the oifig or paper explanations will no longer suffice.

Instructions as to how to install the app are attached below.

Please let us know if you have any problems, your cooperation is really appreciated.


Click on a link to download...