Ukulele Lessons Starting in September
We will begin ukulele lessons from 3rd to 6th class in September 2022. This is an excellent opportunity for our students to learn how to play an instrument. We will purchase a class set of ukuleles that will remain in school.
We will divide the groups by class so that each class group will have a 45 minute lesson . This allows Rang a 3, 4, 5 & 6 to each get their own lesson.
To make the most of the lessons it is important to practice at home. When learning a new instrument experts recommend that you practice for 20 minutes a day, five times a week.
If you do not have a ukulele to practice with at home we can order one for you. If you are interested, let contact the office as soon as possible and we will contact you to let you know the best price we can get! (approximately €30). We will purchase the ukulele recommended by the instructor as it stays in tune, is good value and is relatively easy to play! It will be the exact same as the one we will use in school and that will make it easier to transfer the skills learnt between school and home.